Saturday, 20 July 2013

Sunny Winters

Sunny Winters sounds like a good name for an acress.  It is dry season here.  Clear blue skies, twenty three degree days and seventeen degree nights.  Occasional rain but no floods.  It is probably the best time of year for sailing in The Whitsundays and I am still boatless.

Shepherd Moons is still sitting on her mooring waiting for a cradle to be built to enable slipping, cleaning and antifouling.  Pacemaker is still waiting to come home for much needed work.

I am still not sure whether to finish returning pacemaker to sailing condition, or to make her a motor boat.  After all, we do a hell of a lot of motoring each season up here.  With my health the way it is now, it might be simpler to have a 24 foot live aboard power cruiser.  Pacemaker has standing head room, plenty of cockpit space that can be covered for relaxing at anchor, and lots of internal room for sleeping and cooking.  Storage is adequate for short trips to places like Cid Harbour.

At the moment the trailer needs new rollers and the gunwhale rubbing strips need to be replaced.  The inside needs to be cleaned and painted and the bunk cushions need replacement.  She would need another outboard bracket so an auxilliary can be carried, but a few horsepower will move her at a pinch.

That's about it for the moment.  Lots of ideas - but no action.